Timeline to Terry's passing

Created by Lyn 8 years ago
Terry @ Brian left for their Holiday to the Scillies on Friday 27th May 2016.

Sadly by Saturday Morning she was becoming confused and had severe headache.
It was decided by doctors that she must get back to the mainland, so a Coastguard Helicopter was arranged and she was flown to Exeter as the weather in Plymouth was not suitable for a landing, from there she was driven back to Derriford by Ambulance.
She stayed in Hospital until Thursday the 2nd of June and seemed to be a lot better, but sadly she was told cancer had spread everywhere.
It was hoped that her and Brain would get a few days holiday in Dartmouth for her to recuperate, but it was not to be.

Friday she was weak, but managed to help Lyn clear her Craft room.

Saturday she was still weak but tried to get ready for coffee morning in Kingsand as usual but it was too much for her and she needed to rest.

At this stage she was on Morphine anyway to control any pain.

During the coming days she had around the clock care from an excellent team of professionals, who kept her pain free and comfortable.
After a tough fight, Terry passed away painlessly at 15:40 on the 16th June 2016
